I am just about done with all that noise…

Rachel Langness
3 min readDec 19, 2020

I am a fairly empathetic person. In fact, I am what most might call “overly empathetic”… which is a polite way of saying I cry a lot. I go out of my way to see the “other” side of things (or sides) and I usually get walked over in the process. Well, I am done with that noise. Particularly when it comes to Covid.

I am just going to say it. Y’all are acting some kind of crazy going out to restaurants, bars, on vacations, etc. If we had just done the right thing for two weeks… JUST TWO WEEKS in March, I guaran-damn-tee you, we would be back to “normal”, or at least normal-ish. If we had just stayed put, declined to leave our homes, and had a government that cared about the health and wellness of its people, we could be basking in the cold air and back at school without incident. If we had gone through mass testing and found where our infection actually sat, then ALL laid low for two weeks, we would be New Zealand.

And you can go ahead a miss me with your “Well, other countries have opened schools and they are cool with rising numbers.” Break check! We here in the US have the MOST deaths in the world, we have a crazy high infection rate, and it is just getting higher because our selfish asses are “bored”…. knock it off. Other countries also closed other areas before opening schools back up so you can just turn that little tid bit right around and send it back from whence it came. Oh and, spoiler alert, their death tolls are rising!

“Well it is about slowing the spread… not stopping it.”

Let me get this straight… you don’t want to stop it? Apparently you don’t want to slow it either because you just seem to keep coughing on the produce and saying “I have allergies”. STOP! Now people who are doing everything right; not leaving their house unless necessary, wearing a mask, keeping distance, washing hands until their skin cracks; are STILL getting the virus because “freedom”? Bite me. I have had it. I had very mild symptoms, and I was lucky. But now, my heart beats irregularly, I can never catch my breath, and I get dizzy at least three times a day.

Stop acting like you are going out because you believe in some dumb “herd immunity” BS you saw on Instagram. You. Are. Selfish. That is all. You are calling people like me “living in fear”. No ass, I am living in facts. You just want to have an uninterrupted life that feels like it does when you ignore everything else. You are ignoring this like you ignore racism, consumerism and sexism. And you are happy that way, because those things don’t affect you. You get the privilege to ignore them. Now, people are dying in front of your very eyes, and you are ok ignoring that too…. You are the disease.

And damn right I am angry. I have every right to be. You have literally endangered my family. What would you do if I came over and coughed all over your stuff? Would you welcome me with open arms? I would hope not. Knowing I have had it, I would hope you would have the common sense to kick my ass out. Stay home. Wear a mask. Quit thinking of only yourself.



Rachel Langness

Rachel is a wife and mother to two amazing girls. She also does stand up comedy, and coaches teachers at a High School in South West Phoenix.